Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, vol. 26, pp. 49-55

Borys Basok1 Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript., Borys Davydenko1, Аnatoliy Pavlenko2 , Svitlana Goncharuk1 , Hanna Koshlak2 , Oksana Lysenko1

1. Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
2. Kielce University of Technology, Poland
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A well-known way to increase the thermal insulation properties of windows in buildings is to increase the number of glasses in a window or, what is the same, to increase the number of glass chambers in a glass unit. This method, in combination with low-emissivity coatings on the inner surfaces of glass, can provide a significant increase in the heat transfer resistance of window structures. The use of such windows in construction can significantly reduce heat loss from the premises in the winter, which leads to a reduction in energy costs for heating and increases the energy efficiency of the building. In this work, the characteristics of heat transfer through a three-chamber glass unit are studied using numerical modeling and experimental study. Options for the absence and presence of low-emissivity coatings on glass are considered. Changes in air velocity and temperature in the chambers are studied. Heat transfer resistance for three-chamber windows are calculated depending on the number of low-emissivity coatings on the glass.


heat transfer, mathematical modelling, windows, window thermal resistance, thermal transmittance


AMA Style
Basok B, Davydenko B, Pavlenko A, Goncharuk S, Koshlak H, Lysenko O. Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2024; 26.

ACM Style
Basok, B., Davydenko, B., Pavlenko, A., Goncharuk, S., Koshlak, H., Lysenko, O. 2024. Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 26. DOI:

ACS Style
Basok, B.; Davydenko, B.; Pavlenko, A.; Goncharuk, S.; Koshlak, H.; Lysenko, O. Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, 26, 49-55.

APA Style
Basok, B., Davydenko, B., Pavlenko, A., Goncharuk, S., Koshlak, H., Lysenko, O. (2024). Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, 49-55.

ABNT Style
BASOK, B.; DAVYDENKO, B.; PAVLENKO, A.; GONCHARUK, S.; KOSHLAK, H.; LYSENKO, O. Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, v. 26, p. 49-55, 2024.

Chicago Style
Basok, Borys, Davydenko, Borys, Pavlenko, Аnatoliy, Goncharuk, Svitlana, Koshlak, Hanna, Lysenko, Oksana. 2024. "Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit". Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 26, 49-55.

Harvard Style
Basok, B., Davydenko, B., Pavlenko, A., Goncharuk, S., Koshlak, H., Lysenko, O. (2024) "Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit", Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, pp. 49-55. doi:

IEEE Style
B. Basok, B. Davydenko, A. Pavlenko, S. Goncharuk, H. Koshlak, O. Lysenko, "Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit", RoczOchrSrod, vol 26, pp. 49-55.