Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, vol. 26, pp. 1-17

Marta Sieczkiewicz1 Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript., Łukasz Jedynak1, Ireneusz Wyczałek1,2 , Michał Wyczałek-Jagiełło1

1. GISPRO SA, Poland
2. Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Poland
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The RE band of electromagnetic radiation has recently become the subject of interest in remote sensing due to its greater penetration into the plant structure than the commonly used NIR band. It is particularly important in cultivating corn, which is characterised by considerable thick foliage during the growth period. While sensors equipped with this channel are used in satellite remote sensing and onboard drones, they are not implemented in airborne imaging systems. An airborne remote sensing station was constructed, including, in addition to the traditional R, G, B and NIR image components, also the RE channel and a laser scanner (ALS). Data processing involves geometric calibration and the creation of a multi-channel orthophoto map. The data processed in this way was tested by analysing several series of aerial recordings of a corn field, which involved developing interpretation keys based on selected vegetation indices and assigning individual groups of pixels with five plant health classes. This study focused on the comparative assessment of the effects of using the NDVI, GNDVI, NDRE and SAVI indices, comparing their results to yield measurements (CHM) and the results of field measurements of plants at the end of the growing season. Promising results with a high degree of correlation were obtained.


remote sensing station, agricultural analyses, RE band, Vegetation Indices




AMA Style
Sieczkiewicz M, Jedynak Ł, Wyczałek I, Wyczałek-Jagiełło M. Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2024; 26.

ACM Style
Sieczkiewicz, M., Jedynak, Ł., Wyczałek, I., Wyczałek-Jagiełło, M. 2024. Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 26. DOI:

ACS Style
Sieczkiewicz, M.; Jedynak, Ł.; Wyczałek, I.; Wyczałek-Jagiełło, M. Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, 26, 1-17.

APA Style
Sieczkiewicz, M., Jedynak, Ł., Wyczałek, I., Wyczałek-Jagiełło, M. (2024). Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, 1-17.

ABNT Style
SIECZKIEWICZ, M.; JEDYNAK, Ł.; WYCZAŁEK, I.; WYCZAŁEK-JAGIEŁŁO, M. Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, v. 26, p. 1-17, 2024.

Chicago Style
Sieczkiewicz, Marta, Jedynak, Łukasz, Wyczałek, Ireneusz, Wyczałek-Jagiełło, Michał. 2024. "Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station". Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 26, 1-17.

Harvard Style
Sieczkiewicz, M., Jedynak, Ł., Wyczałek, I., Wyczałek-Jagiełło, M. (2024) "Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station", Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, pp. 1-17. doi:

IEEE Style
M. Sieczkiewicz, Ł. Jedynak, I. Wyczałek, M. Wyczałek-Jagiełło, "Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station", RoczOchrSrod, vol 26, pp. 1-17.