Dmitry A. Babenko, Mariya A. Pashkevich, Alexey V. Alekseenko
Saint Petersburg Mining University, Russia
corresponding author’s e-mail: dima_
The paper justifies the waterproofing technology for waste storage conservation. The paper presents the results of full-scale monitoring of the quality of surface and groundwater affected by the tailings of the Gaisky Mining and Processing Plant. The determined chemical composition of enrichment waste is described. The existing methods of waste storage waterproofing are reviewed. The studied residuals of copper ore enrichment can be insulated with a mixture of processed secondary polyethylene and polypropylene pellets. The physical and mechanical properties of recycled polymers are investigated. The proposed technology of covering with a waterproofing coating can be applied to preserve technogenic deposits aiming at their future secondary extraction, as well as to ensure the environmental safety of newly designed facilities. The implementation of this technique will improve the regional environmental situation and reduce the migration of potentially hazardous substances as a result of seepage, thus reducing the pollution of natural waters.
ore dressing waste, tailings storage, adverse impact, secondary polymers, waterproofing
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