Konrad Podawca*, Ryszard Staniszewski**
*Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Warsaw, Poland; **Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
corresponding author’s e-mail: konrad_
In this paper problem of noise caused by railway in cities was studied. This aspect was often marginalised in spatial plan-ning process. Using example of areas located in Włochy district (Warsaw, Poland) the function of area and the new per-missible sound levels were shown. Analyses based on data obtained from Warsaw acoustic maps generated in the year 2017, spatial management plans and current state of development and investments inside borders of real estate 2-08-10 and 2-08-11. Based on 22 superficial and quantitative features related to 50 and 59 dB limit sound levels at night and 55, 60, 64 and 68 dB at day-evening-night time, changes in the spatial development possibilities in the analysed area were shown. On the base of area indices and using ArcGis software positive and negative aspects of studied area were presented. The analysis clearly showed that the increase in sound levels by 9 dB at night and 8-9 dB during daylight-night-time resulted in the reduction of areas considered to be susceptible to noise before 2012 by 71.9-76.3%, and decrease of the number of build-ings exposed to noise by 70-80%. However, the analysis of the local spatial development plans and the Study of Condi-tions and Directions of Spatial Development showed that the problem of noise is minimized in documents and planning studies. The effect of law changes is possibility of the implementation of housing projects in the near vicinity of the rail-way area and the approval of the discontinuity of acoustic barriers along the railway tracks.
spatial planning, railway noise, permissible noise levels, sustainable development
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