Marcin Olkiewicz*, Radosław Wolniak**, Bożena Skotnicka-Zasadzień**
*Koszalin University of Technology, Poland; **Silesian University of Technology, Zabrze, Poland
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The uptake of various types of norms on management around the world resulted in the creation of a range of cer-tificates that have been accepted by organizations and are improving their marketing position on the international market. In the area of environmental management, the ISO 14001 norm is the type of certificate that is widely used. This norm is implemented by many industrial and, ever more often, service organizations around the world. This publication presents an analysis of the state of implementation of the ISO 14001 standard in European Un-ion countries. To carry out the analysis, saturation of ISO 14001 indicator was introduced, which is discussed in detail in the later part of the publication. The article aims to examine saturation with the ISO 14001 certificates of European Union countries and determine whether there exists a relation between the saturation of ISO 14001 certificates and the wealth of individual countries measured by GDP per capita.

environmental management, quality, ISO 14001, certificate

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