Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2021, vol. 23, pp. 539-551

peopleValeriі Deshko orcid, peopleInna Bilous mailorcid, peopleDmytro Biriukov orcid, peopleOlena Yatsenko orcid

institution  Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
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Buildings are the main consumer of energy resources in the total energy balance of the countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the main energy consumption is allocated for heating. Efficient use of energy resources for heating needs to a large extent depends on the efficiency of regulation of heating systems. In the article, dynamic mathematical models of a two-room typical apartment in Ukraine, built in 2016, were developed in Matlab and EnergyPlus software environment. The simulations were carried out using IWEC hourly climate data for the city of Kyiv. The results of simulations of thermal energy consumption in Matlab are characterized by a larger range of fluctuations of the heating system load, which is typical for the real operating conditions of the system with the controller of ON/OFF type. In EnergyPlus it is assumed that the gas boiler operates continuously in the ON mode. In the research, the change of load on the apartment heating system was studied at different numbers and locations of air temperature control sensors installation, according to which the controller of the autonomous gas boiler operates.


dynamic modeling, simulation, temperature, heating system load, controller, Matlab, Simscape, Simulink, EnergyPlus




AMA Style
Deshko V, Bilous I, Biriukov D, Yatsenko O. Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2021; 23.

ACM Style
Deshko, V., Bilous, I., Biriukov, D., Yatsenko, O. 2021. Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 23. DOI:

ACS Style
Deshko, V.; Bilous, I.; Biriukov, D.; Yatsenko, O. Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2021, 23, 539-551.

APA Style
Deshko, V., Bilous, I., Biriukov, D., Yatsenko, O. (2021). Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 23, 539-551.

ABNT Style
DESHKO, V.; BILOUS, I.; BIRIUKOV, D.; YATSENKO, O. Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, v. 23, p. 539-551, 2021.

Chicago Style
Deshko, Valeriі, Bilous, Inna, Biriukov, Dmytro, Yatsenko, Olena. 2021. "Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation". Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 23, 539-551.

Harvard Style
Deshko, V., Bilous, I., Biriukov, D., Yatsenko, O. (2021) "Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation", Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 23, pp. 539-551. doi:

IEEE Style
V. Deshko, I. Bilous, D. Biriukov, O. Yatsenko, "Transient Energy Models of Housing Facilities Operation", RoczOchrSrod, vol 23, pp. 539-551.