Andrzej Klimek*, Stanisław Rolbiecki*, Roman Rolbiecki*, Piotr Stachowski**, Cezary Podsiadło***
*UTP University of Science and Technology, Poland; **University of Life Science in Poznań, Poland; ***West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
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The study was conducted in the years 2008-2010 in the bare root  nursery Białe Błota that produced pine, beech and linden, and belonged to Bydgoszcz Forest District. The experiments included the following variants: C – control, O – organic fertilization, M – mulching with raw humus, OM – organic fertilization and mulching with raw humus. Relatively small but significant increase in the number and diversity of Oribatida species was observed in O variant for the deciduous trees. Mulching was the soil revitalization method that clearly improved the density and biodiversity of Oribatida species. In total, the investigated area harbored 37 species of oribatid mites. The most effective bioindicator and stimulant of soil revitalization was a common fungivorous species Tectocepheus velatus.

organic fertilization, mulching, tree seedlings, bioindication, oribatid mites.

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