Danuta Guzal-Dec
Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II, Biała Podlaska

Local governments are obliged by law tasks assigned to them to take a lot of pro-ecology actions. Authorities’ activities should be included in the long-term development strategy of a municipality together with measures for the protection of environment taken by other local actors. The effectiveness of these measures depends on proper recognition of the need to protect environment. The reaction of local government should correspond to the identified pressures on environment and serve keeping it in at least unchanged state. Effective environmental policy pursued by local authorities depends largely on systematic monitoring of its condition and the degree of human pressure. Therefore, appropriate monitoring instruments in the form of indicators measuring the pressure, state and response to changes in environment are essential. The following paper presents a proposal of indicators assessing pressure, state and response to environmental changes in a rural municipality. The indicators can and should be used to:

During the operationalization of the P-S-R model two major problems of its full implementation were recognised: limited availability of mass statistics data for the level of municipalities hinders detailed analysis of the PSR model for individual elements of environment: for example, pressure on soil- soil condition-soil protection, limited scope of the monitoring of environment for rural/urban-rural municipalities (short-term study, financial constraints of monitoring and lack of current representative research of the state of soils for example). Conducted analysis and undertaken project activities in the designation of the indicators of P-S-R for municipalities allow to formulate the following recommendations:

Słowa kluczowe
badanie cenności; województwo lubelskie

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