Izabela Biedroń*, Teodora M. Traczewska**, Grażyna Płaza*
*Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych; **Politechnika Wrocławska

Microorganisms in the drinking water distribution system form a biofilm on the inner surfaces of the pipes. It is a life preserving strategy that provides easier access to nutrients and protects against harmful environmental factors. The biofilm is a habitat for numerous species of autochthonous microflora which contribute to the intensification of bio-corrosion and negatively affect the quality of the water supplied to the consumers. Additionally, the biofilm can consist of pathogenic species, which may pose an epidemiological hazard. Every drinking water distribution system has its own microflora, it is associated with the presence of autochthonous microorganisms that come from the raw water which despite treatment processes leaked to the network, and microbes that entered as a result of maintenance, failures and leakages. These factors contribute to the biofilm uniqueness in each water supply system, it is associated with the lack of reproducibility of the structure. In the present study characterized the microorganisms from biofilm of 17 tapping points of the water supply system for their ability to adhesion, resistance against selected antibiotics and rated their enzymatic activity. It is believed that the microorganisms with high surface affinity can play a decisive role in the early stages of biofilm formation.

Słowa kluczowe
antybiotykooporność, identyfikacja, adhezja, biofilm, sieć wodociągowa

Characteristics of Biofilm Bacteria from Tapping Points of the Drinking Water Distribution System

Key words 
antibiotic resistance, identification, adhesion, biofilm, drinking water distribution system

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