Paweł A. Mazurek, Joanna Pawłat
Politechnika Lubelska

The ‘GlidArc’ plasma reactors and ‘DBD’ reactors are used for the production of non-thermal plasma. Reactors generate electric discharges. They are the source of plasma and electromagnetic emission too. Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnologies has several installations of plasma reactors. The article presents the values of measured E and B in the range of very low frequencies. Values were compared with valid national norms. As a result of the analysis, operation of the reactors does not cause danger to the personnel.

Słowa kluczowe
reaktor plazmowy, natężenia pól elektrycznych i magnetycznych, plazma

The Electromagnetic Interaction of the Plasma Reactor Installations

Key words 
plasma reactor, electric and magnetic field strength, plasma

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