Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, vol. 26, pp. 393-402

Ayper Boga Pekmezekmek1 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Mustafa Emre1 , Erdal Tunc2 , Betül Kalay1 , Sayad Kocahan3 , Nesrin Emre4 , Toygar Emre5 

1. Cukurova University, Türkiye
2. Artuklu University, Türkiye 
3. University of Health Sciences, Türkiye
4. Akdeniz University, Türkiye
5. Boğaziçi University, Türkiye 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The physical and chemical characteristics of microplastics make it easier for contaminants to adhere to the surface of the particles, acting as a vehicle for toxins to reach organisms after ingestion. The "most microbiome" comprises all the microorganisms present in our bodies as a whole because it has a big surface area and provides nutrient-rich components for the digestive system's germs. In this investigation, metagenome analysis was used to determine the impact of long-term administration of High-Molecular Weight-Polyvinyl Chloride microplastics to young Wistar rats on the gut microbiota. Forty adult rats in total were employed, with 15 first-group and 15 second-group experimental groups and 10 controls. Pellets made specifically for feeding rats are produced. Following the procedure, the rats were anaesthetised with ketamine and xylasine before being dissected. Due to the small number of samples, alpha diversity in the gut metagenome study did not demonstrate statistically significant variations, but it did illustrate differences in bacterial diversity and density. In particular, it has been discovered that bacterial diversity is higher in experimental groups. According to the control groups, in the assay groups, the intestinal microbiome, dominated by Escherichia coli, Shigella, and Lactobacillus, was assessed as an increase in metabolic pathways related to microplastic exposure and pathogenicity in general. The findings demonstrate the necessity for extreme caution in the manufacture and use of plastics that pose a risk to the welfare of living things.


HMW-PVC, intestine, krona, metagenome, microbiota


AMA Style
Pekmezekmek A, Emre M, Tunc E, Kalay B, Kocahan S, Emre N, Emre T. Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2024; 26.

ACM Style
Pekmezekmek, A., Emre, M., Tunc, E., Kalay, B., Kocahan, S., Emre, N., Emre, T. 2024. Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 26. DOI:

ACS Style
Pekmezekmek, A.; Emre, M.; Tunc, E.; Kalay, B.; Kocahan, S.; Emre, N.; Emre, T. Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, 26, 393-402.

APA Style
Pekmezekmek, A., Emre, M., Tunc, E., Kalay, B., Kocahan, S., Emre, N., Emre, T. (2024). Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, 393-402.

ABNT Style
PEKMEZEKMEK, A.; EMRE, M.; TUNC, E.; KALAY, B.; KOCAHAN, S.; EMRE, N.; EMRE, T. Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, v. 26, p. 393-402, 2024.

Chicago Style
Pekmezekmek, Ayper, Emre, Mustafa, Tunc, Erdal, Kalay, Betül, Kocahan, Sayad, Emre, Nesrin, Emre, Toygar. 2024. "Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat". Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 26, 393-402.

Harvard Style
Pekmezekmek, A., Emre, M., Tunc, E., Kalay, B., Kocahan, S., Emre, N., Emre, T. (2024) "Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat", Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, pp. 393-402. doi:

IEEE Style
A. Pekmezekmek, M. Emre, E. Tunc, B. Kalay, S. Kocahan, N. Emre, T. Emre, "Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat", RoczOchrSrod, vol 26, pp. 393-402.