Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, vol. 26, pp. 366-373

Rohan Srivastava1, Abdul Rahman Khan2, Abdullah Asiri3 , Saimah Khan2 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. SGPGIMS, India
2. Integral University, India
3. King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
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The study conducted on the air quality of five highly polluted cities in India over the last five years (2015-2020) sheds light on the detrimental effects of air pollution and the need for monitoring and mitigation. The research focused on six major air pollutants: PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2. The study's findings reveal that the concentrations of these air pollutants consistently exceeded the limits set by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards 2009 and the World Health Organization's Ambient Air Quality Standards. This indicates that the air quality in these cities was consistently poor and posed a significant health risk to the population. The study emphasises that certain subpopulations, such as the elderly, young children, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions like asthma, are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of air pollutants. Elevated levels of pollutants in the air can lead to severe health effects and contribute to the development of serious diseases. Furthermore, the study highlights that the air quality significantly improved in 2020 due to the nationwide lockdown imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The restrictions on mobility and industrial activities resulted in reduced emissions, leading to a temporary improvement in air quality. These conclusions underscore the critical importance of understanding the harmful effects of air pollutants and taking measures to protect human health and preserve the quality of the environment.


Air Pollutants, PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, SO2, Harmful effects, Ambient air quality standards


AMA Style
Srivastava R, Rahman Khan A, Asiri A, Khan S. Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2024; 26.

ACM Style
Srivastava, R., Rahman Khan, A., Asiri, A., Khan, S. 2024. Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 26. DOI:

ACS Style
Srivastava, R.; Rahman Khan, A.; Asiri, A.; Khan, S. Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2 Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2024, 26, 366-373.

APA Style
Srivastava, R., Rahman Khan, A., Asiri, A., Khan, S. (2024). Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, 366-373.

ABNT Style
SRIVASTAVA, R.; RAHMAN KHAN, A.; ASIRI, A.; KHAN, S. Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, v. 26, p. 366-373, 2024.

Chicago Style
Srivastava, Rohan, Rahman Khan, Abdul, Asiri, Abdullah, Khan, Saimah. 2024. "Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2". Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 26, 366-373.

Harvard Style
Srivastava, R., Rahman Khan, A., Asiri, A., Khan, S. (2024) "Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2", Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 26, pp. 366-373. doi:

IEEE Style
R. Srivastava, A. Rahman Khan, A. Asiri, S. Khan, "Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2", RoczOchrSrod, vol 26, pp. 366-373.