Karolina Jąderko-Skubis, Mariusz Kruczek
Główny Instytut Górnictwa, Katowice, Poland
corresponding author’s e-mail: kjaderko@gig.eu

The objective of this article was to develop a structure of a decision-making model for selection of optimal locations of sewage sludge installation on the example of the Silesian Voivodeship. Selection of locations for waste treatment facilities belongs to complex multicriteria decision-making problems.

Taking into account the problems of modelling the supply network for the effective management of sewage sludge corresponding to the concept of circular economy, the paper presents the application of the centre of gravity method for determining the optimal locations for the sewage sludge treatment plant based on the fertilizer production process. 

The research carried out for the purpose of this study included identification of key elements of the sewage sludge management system, analysis and quantitative and qualitative assessment of sewage sludge streams, analysis of criteria excluding the selection of installation locations, gathering spatial data resulting from defined criteria, determination of optimal location for installations (using the method of determining optimal solutions for the location of objects – the centre of gravity method). All spatial data are presented on thematic maps prepared with the use of QGIS software.

The result of the research is a description of the decision-making model structure based on optimization of installation location and including technological and logistic, ecological, infrastructural, economic and legal and social criteria in the process of planning the location of a circular economy plant.

waste logistics, sewage sludge, circular economy, decision support, centre of gravity method

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