Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2022, vol. 24, pp. 415-438

peopleAbdallah M. Elshaer1 orcidpeopleMohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh2,3 orcidOmar Alsetoohy1 orcidmailAsmaa M. Marzouk1 orcidMohamed Fathy Agina4 orcid

institution 1. University of Sadat City, Egypt
2. Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
3. Thamar University, Yemen
4. Higher Institute for Specific Studies, Egypt
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Academics have been curious about what motivates pro-environmental behavior. However, a few research studies have been conducted to analyze and comprehend the pro-environmental behavior of those in charge of service and production (employees). The COVID-19 outbreak brought this topic to light, emphasizing the significance of employees' pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs) in promoting and maintaining business sustainability.Therefore, this study contributes to the body of knowledge by investigating employees' PEBs during the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person and online surveys were used to reach the staff of hotels and travel agencies in Egypt's most popular tourist areas.The quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS 25. The results revealed that employees of the tourism and hospitality industry are exceptionally engaged in PEBs in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also,  the findings indicate that the structure of tourism and hospitality employees' PEB is constituted of six factors; namely, operation activities, habits, organization rules, health, energy-saving, and environment-related activities. However, their behavior must be guided and improved in three key areas (personal health, organizational rules, and operation activities). According to this study, employees may follow certain practises without understanding their justification or significance. In practice, the study presents recommendations that might increase the industry's resistance to challenges in terms of improving the pro-environmental behavior of industry employees.


Pro-Environmental Behavior, Employees' Behavior, COVID-19 Pandemic, Green hotels, Travel agency




AMA Style
Elshaer A, Al-Abyadh M, Alsetoohy O, Marzouk A, Agina M. COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2022; 24.

ACM Style
Elshaer, A., Al-Abyadh, M., Alsetoohy, O., Marzouk, A., Agina, M. 2022. COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 24. DOI:

ACS Style
Elshaer, A.; Al-Abyadh, M.; Alsetoohy, O.; Marzouk, A.; Agina, M. COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 2022, 24, 415-438.

APA Style
Elshaer, A., Al-Abyadh, M., Alsetoohy, O., Marzouk, A., Agina, M. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 24, 415-438.

ABNT Style
ELSHAER, A.; AL-ABYADH, M.; ALSETOOHY, O.; MARZOUK, A.; AGINA, M. COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, v. 24, p. 415-438, 2022.

Chicago Style
Elshaer, Abdallah, Al-Abyadh, Mohammed, Alsetoohy, Omar, Marzouk, Asmaa, Agina, Mohamed. 2022. "COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry". Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 24, 415-438.

Harvard Style
Elshaer, A., Al-Abyadh, M., Alsetoohy, O., Marzouk, A., Agina, M. (2022) "COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry", Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 24, pp. 415-438. doi:

IEEE Style
A. Elshaer, M. Al-Abyadh, O. Alsetoohy, A. Marzouk, M. Agina, "COVID-19 Pandemic: A Motive for Pro-Environmental Behaviors (Pebs) in the Egyptian Tourism and Hospitality Industry", RoczOchrSrod, vol 24, pp. 415-438.