Daniel Saramak*, Tadeusz Tumidajski*, Tomasz Gawenda*, Zdzisław Naziemiec**
*AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
**Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych, Kraków

The aim of the paper is an analysis of work effects of HPGR-based technological circuits in industrial mineral processing operations. High-pressure grinding rolls technology is currently one of the most effective methods of raw materials comminution both from the scope of the crushing products quality as well as the environmental effects associated with a lower environmental nuisance. In the first part of investigations the effective control of the particle size distribution of crushing products through the proper selection of operating pressure in the press. In the next stage the HPGR products were ground in a ball mill. The results showed that the grinding efficiency at higher values of operating pressure is greater, it was also observed a rapid increase in yield of the fine particle fractions, which can be directed to initial flotation operations. In the next stage, a methodological assumptions for optimization of a multi-stage comminution circuit were presented. In order to optimize the work effects of circuit the feed preparation manner for each stage of crushing should be taken into consideration. Another aspects which should not be missed are the crushing and grinding devices operating conditions (the relationship between the feed properties and the construction and operating parameters of the device) and characteristics of obtained products.

Słowa kluczowe
ekologiczne aspekty; prasy walcowe

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